My name is April Hill and this is my blog. I currently live just outside of Toronto in the small(ish) town of Georgetown. I love it here. We enjoy so many things about this area like being surrounded by the country side and all the agriculture that it has to offer, or strolling down Main Street during the warmer months to enjoy the Farmer's Market and yet we are only a 45 minute drive into downtown Toronto. I am crazy about food. From seed to table I’m smitten. My daughter Bridget and I enjoy working in our kitchen garden and enjoy even more the fruits of our labour. Bridget is very often my counterpart in the kitchen and most often the inspiration and recipient of my culinary endeavours. I am passionate about organic agriculture and whole foods and being able to take something that has been grown or raised naturally and create something amazing. In addition to my infatuation with whole foods, I also pray religiously to the dessert gods. Is marrying Mile High Chocolate Cake and the farm-to-table movement a tricky partnership? Tricky indeed. Does my backside deserve it’s own area code? Possibly. That being said, I make no apologies. I love food. Truly, madly, deeply. I created this blog in hopes of sharing some recipes and reaching out to others who share my giddiness for simply good food.
Thanks so much for popping by!

The picture above is of Bridget and I in Paris. This was our first afternoon in the city and we were eating lunch by the River Seine. I was trying to convince her to try her first éclair and for some reason she was hesitant to try it. The mind boggles. The rule of thumb in our house is try it once...if you don’t like it…fine, but you have to at least give it a whirl once. For heavens sake, we were in Paris, if ever she were going to try an éclair, this was certainly the time. After a 'little’ persuasion she took a bite and fell in love. I kid you not. My sister-in-law captured this picture just as Bridget was about to be introduced to the vanilla éclair. She took a bite, closed her eyes and then she quite seriously leaned into me and whispered “that was the best thing I have ever tasted”. We both burst out laughing. After such protest, here she sat, beside the River Siene basking in the glory of that golden éclair. I of course never saw another bite of that precious little pastry. We spent the rest of our trip tasting just about every éclair from just about every patisserie along the way. She declared that none were ever as sweet as that first one. She talks about that éclair to this day. I love this picture and will forever cherish that moment with my Bridget.